№6 2017. 05.00.00 ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИAbout the authors:
Tagirova Liana Kharisovna, undergraduate student, University of Tyumen,Abstract:
The article considers one of the most serious problems of the 21-st century. Money related crimes has a long history but now they become more technologically creative. These crimes involving computers are nameless and faceless. The number of customers purchasing goods via the Internet through payment service providers is growing rapidly. They run the risk of "opening" own data to a cybercriminal. The article provides the information about different types of computer crimes such as the theft of computer data, unauthorized access to a computer system in order to damage or destruct the information, use of a computer to commit illegal or fraudulent activities. The authors of the article hope the readers can be better informed of the problem and how to prevent being a victim.
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