Journal «Language & Science» UTMN.


№7 2018. 05.00.00 ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ


About the authors:

Vasilenko Iliya Aleksandrovich,

Undergraduate Student, the University of Tyumen,

Garkusha Nadezhda Anatolievna,

Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, University of Tyumen, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Foreign Languages and Intercultural Professional Communication Department, Associate Professor,


The purpose of this article is to show the readers the path of development of mechatronic drives, from the beginning of their development and to what they are now. The article also describes such important components as encoders, DC brushless motors, stepper motors, PWM amplifiers and digital controllers. The article also describes a lot of technical details of the above components, the principles of their operation and what they are used for.


1. Richard Crowder. Electric Drives and Electromechanical Systems: Applications and Control 2006. 359 p.
2. Doncker R.D., Pulle D.W.J., Veltman A. Advanced Electrical Drives: Analysis, Modeling, Control 2011.  474 p.