№7 2018. 05.00.00 ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИAbout the authors:
Gordeev Evgeniy Mikhaiovich, Undergraduate Student, the University of Tyumen,Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, University of Tyumen, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Foreign Languages and Intercultural Professional Communication Department, Associate Professor,
At present, mobile agent technology is an important research area for researchers to develop its new features confirming its security and usability. Mobile Agent is a program which can act in a computer network in order to perform some activities on behalf of a human user or an application. In this paper an overview of the security issues related to the mobile agent paradigm is described. Then we look in some existing security standards and technologies for mobile agent to analyze their goals that are keeping platform of security against a malicious mobile agent.
1. Alfalayleh M, Brankovic L An overview of security issues and techniques in mobile agents. The International Federation for Information Processing, Springer [Electronic resource] – Access mode: