Ecological Environment Of Residential Apartments

Journal «Language & Science» UTMN.


№4 2015. 03.00.00 БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ

Ecological Environment Of Residential Apartments

About the authors:

Garkusha Nadezhda Anatolievna,

Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, University of Tyumen, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Foreign Languages and Intercultural Professional Communication Department, Associate Professor,


The purpose of the study is to investigate a residential apartment as not self-contained ecosystem and to offer measures for ecologically safe habitat creation. The objectives of the study are the following: to review the influence of dust on people’s health; to review the influence of microclimate in a person’s apartment on his health status; to define sources of electromagnetic radiation in an apartment; to study the degree of noise pollution, its influence on health of inhabitants of the apartment, to define preventative control measures.


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