Mental Abilities Of Corvidae (Hoodie)

Journal «Language & Science» UTMN.


№4 2015. 03.00.00 БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ

Mental Abilities Of Corvidae (Hoodie)

About the authors:

Garkusha Nadezhda Anatolievna,

Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, University of Tyumen, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Foreign Languages and Intercultural Professional Communication Department, Associate Professor,


The purpose of the study is to analyze cognitive abilities of a corvidae (hoodie). By means of such methods of studying the nature as: observation, description, photography, drawing etogramm using the method of "continuous logging" we examine the intellectual abilities of corvidae, on the example of hoodie, namely, how these abilities help them to survive in urban environment, which is not peculiar to this type of birds.


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