Model of consumer behavior in hospitality market

Journal «Language & Science» UTMN.


№1 2012. 08.00.00 ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ

Model of consumer behavior in hospitality market

About the authors:

Lazutina Y.A. , Tyumen State University, Department of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism, students,

Novikov K.M. , Tyumen State University, Department of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism, students

Fomina E.V., Tyumen State University, associate professor, Department of foreign languages and intercultural professional communication


Hospitality market is developing very fast. Demands for potential consumers have changed and this has affected the general condition of the market. That’s why it is necessary to monitor consumer behavior in order to create marketing strategies for effective goods and services sale.


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Докт. Экон. Наук, профессора Н.И. Гавриленко – Нижневартовск: ООО
РА «Любимый город» - 788 с.