One method of timetabling at higher educational institution

Journal «Language & Science» UTMN.


№1 2012. 05.00.00 ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ

One method of timetabling at higher educational institution

About the authors:

Grigoriev M. , Tyumen State University, Department of Information Systems, Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Gabdulina,A. ,
Skorokhodova L. , Tyumen State University, Department of Foreign Languages and Professional Cross-cultural Communication IMSIT senior lecturer


Timetable is a key component of coursework in any educational institution. That is why it is important to organize the process of timetabling correctly. This article provides an analysis of possible improvements of the process as exemplified by the Institute of Mathematics, Science and Information Technology (hereinafter referred to IMSIT), Tyumen State University.
